
Going into 2025 like a whirlwind be like... December 27 2024

Hello friends

I have completely forgotten to update my Christmas hours this year. As I am working the Festive Season and it's been one hell of a ride in 2024, my brain must have thought everyone automatically knew my working hours! Gosh - so sorry!

Truth be told, 2024 has been my annus horribilis for a multitude of reasons (none of them business related), so I've been ready to welcome 2025 with a new organisational planner since September (thank you to the lovely Steph Pase Planners). I've had the highest highs and the lowest lows this year - the whole gamut of what life is and can sling your way. I've been looking forward to 2025 and the fresh start a new year brings for I've kind of skipped a bit of the festive time in my mind. I am also not the most Christmassy person since my sons are now almost man-children - I detest the commercial side of Christmas that seems to be everywhere and I was so saddened to see Easter eggs and hot cross buns in my local Coles yesterday.

It's also been interesting to sit back and watch the vintage fabric sellers online community this year. Some soaring prices, some questionable fabric dating and then there's that pesky reselling ethic of buying online to sell online I loathe. I rarely buy fabric online and when I do it's for myself and some may go to the business to cover my costs, but there are people whose business models are to buy on ebay to flog on Instagram...or who buy on Facebook groups (in front of other buyers who aren't resellers) and then put the same fabrics up for sale a week or three later on another platform. Check the ebay Australia sold listings for vintage fabric and you'll see what I mean. Do these resellers think there are people who don't notice?

I stay in my own lane usually but the ethics of reselling has always been important to me and I'm not sure our Earth needs vintage fabric to board two flights to find it's forever home. I know these reselling businesses can put food on the table in hard times (mine included), but I am also always aware of the end price a person pays, especially people who are creative and who solely use old fabrics in their wares - they need food on the table, too, and rising vintage fabric prices make it harder and harder for them to sell their creativity to earn a living.

Anyway - just my thoughts, but it's something I want to talk more on in 2025.

Lots of plans for next year, as I always have. My problem is time-management and taking on too much, so my aim for 2025 is to plan well and to learn to say 'no'. Ugh - so hard!

If your year has been a little hard, I hope 2025 is much easier. If your year has been wonderful, I hope that continues. More than anything else - I hope we're all safe, happy and with loved ones (blood or otherwise) in the coming year. And I hope our world returns to peace, compassion, kindness and generosity - lord knows, it's needed!

Much vintage fabric love!


Festive Season 2023 Postage Update December 07 2023

Hello all

Firstly - I hope everyone is healthy and happy. This time of year can be a struggle for many, so I am hoping you're well, enjoying the Season and, if not, you are taking care of yourself and simply taking life day-by-day. Please reach out to someone if you're not feeling yourself - whether it be loved ones, friends or a professional service. There is always a voice somewhere when you need to hear one.

Our final day for domestic postage this year is Friday 15 December. This is within Australia Post's cut-off dates for deliveries to arrive before Christmas, but as we all know, delivery times are not guaranteed. The advice is to make purchases as early as possible.

We'll reopen on Thursday 4 January 2024 and will recommence postage on that day. Express Post deliveries will take precedence and then we process by the date of the order received.

I have taken a little breather from daily uploading of new arrivals in the past month, but will return in January with loads of new goodies. I'll also pop in here and update the website when the days aren't so rushed as they usually are in December.

I wish you and yours a wonderful Festive Season or Holiday Season, if you don't celebrate Christmas. May you create wonderful memories with your loved ones you can cherish forever!





Goodbye to 2022! December 07 2022

Final postage for 2022 and it's a big year next year.

Website Overhaul September 15 2020

Hello all

I hope you're well where-ever you are in the world. Our little patch of Earth is slowly returning to some normality and I am hopeful our children will be able to return to school in two weeks.

Since the onslaught of Covid19 our website has seen a sharp rise in visitors and sales - and, in truth,  we've struggled to keep up. The inability to shop in person partnered with the pivoting of buyers to 'shopping small and local' saw our website inundated with people returning to -  or learning - how to sew.

We had a large inventory going into the Covid lockdown and, due to the processing of orders remaining our first priority, we haven't found the time to upload new arrivals as often as we like to. Our inventory has gone down from 500+ items to just 200 in recent months.

This has opened up the perfect opportunity to overhaul the capability and navigation systems of the website. We are looking to simplify the website whilst expanding our products to include sewing related books. We would also like to offer some interior decoration pieces we find on our travels just for a little extra fun.

Over the coming weeks the website will not look as polished as it usually does - please bare with us as we streamline it.


Returning to normal - Mon, Wed, Frid postage days June 17 2020

Hello all

I hope you're all well.

This is just an update on our postage days. When we were in the throes of Covid-19 and lockdown we reduced our postage days to two days a week - Tuesday and Thursday. As the threat of Covid-19 has lessened in Australia we're returning to our normal postage days of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is for all standard deliveries. If you select Express Post at Checkout, your parcel will be posted ASAP.

Please note Australia Post is still experiencing significant delivery delays around the country. Once a parcel is in their hands it's then out of our control when you receive it. Some parcels are arriving within days, others are taking several weeks.

International shipping is still in disarray so we are not accepting international orders until further notice.


International shipping now on hold until further notice April 11 2020

Hello all

Due to the worldwide disruption to just about everything we know as 'normal' in life, we've decided to stop international shipping until further notice. Parcel arrivals to all countries have been horrendously delayed or even rejected due to COVID-19. We all know the aviation industry has been decimated and all postal services worldwide have been disrupted - to some extent - or even stopped.

We are so sorry to do this, but we have no other option. If you're desperate for fabric and you're not in Australia (and are willing to wait weeks and weeks for your parcel to arrive) please message us with links to the fabrics you're interested in and we'll get a shipping price to you ASAP.


Sewing Patterns slowly being added to the store April 03 2020

Hello all

We are very fortunate that our stock is with us in our studio and no longer in a storage shed offsite. In saying that, there are so many tubs I have to laugh at them or I'd just cry looking at all of the work yet to be done.

The sewing patterns are ladies, mens, teens, kiddies, toddlers and babies and there are also a lot of craft ones, too. They range from the 1930s to the modern era and are all checked before they are put on the website. A tedious job, but if I crank the music up a little and check them in little lots, I find it quite soothing after a while. I would never consider putting up a sewing pattern before checking it, so it's a job that just needs to be done!

Stay safe,


The Festive Season is upon us! Christmas and New Year postage December 17 2019

Hello vintage fabric lovers!

It's been an incredible year and, once again, we find the Festive Season upon on. The website will remain open throughout December and January, but please remember the huge postage volume out there in postage land. Deliveries will take longer to get to you than usual. We're getting them posted as fast as we can this end and are currently upgrading orders to Express Post.

Australia Post is closed on Wednesday 25th December, Thursday 26th December and Wednesday 1st January, 2020. The post will barely move in the interim days, unfortunately, - and I dare say January 2nd and 3rd will be just the same.

So, keeping these above dates in mind, we'll be doing our final post for the year on Friday 20 December (no guarantees your parcel will arrive in time for Christmas, though) and will recommence postage on Monday 6th January. We'll still be in the studio, so feel free to contact us on if you need something ASAP.

I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and look forward to spending our 17th year with you in 2020!
