Website Overhaul September 15 2020

Hello all

I hope you're well where-ever you are in the world. Our little patch of Earth is slowly returning to some normality and I am hopeful our children will be able to return to school in two weeks.

Since the onslaught of Covid19 our website has seen a sharp rise in visitors and sales - and, in truth,  we've struggled to keep up. The inability to shop in person partnered with the pivoting of buyers to 'shopping small and local' saw our website inundated with people returning to -  or learning - how to sew.

We had a large inventory going into the Covid lockdown and, due to the processing of orders remaining our first priority, we haven't found the time to upload new arrivals as often as we like to. Our inventory has gone down from 500+ items to just 200 in recent months.

This has opened up the perfect opportunity to overhaul the capability and navigation systems of the website. We are looking to simplify the website whilst expanding our products to include sewing related books. We would also like to offer some interior decoration pieces we find on our travels just for a little extra fun.

Over the coming weeks the website will not look as polished as it usually does - please bare with us as we streamline it.
