Christmas 2021 postage dates and a new Packaging Policy November 25 2021
Hello All
I hope 2021 is ending on a happy note for you. I dare say we've all gone through levels of pure negativity, desperation and loss of faith this year. The area where we live is just coming to the light at the end of the tunnel. We're no longer in lockdown, local Covid cases are low and outside movements are relatively normal. In saying that, our little family truly suffered along with so many millions of others this year and we're limping rather than bolting to the end of 2021.
Retro Age took a back seat for me this year. With one son in Year 12 and the other in Year 8, I had to find my feet home schooling them for the majority of the year. Wow - was that hard! Full kudos to the teaching staff connecting through Zoom. But, through the trials and tribulations, we all made it and one son has graduated VCE and the other is looking forward to the electives in Year 9. The eldest also got his drivers licence so we're slowly making the adjustment of not 'playing taxi' on a day-to-day basis - that is very different, indeed! - although there is no such thing as 'spare' time.
Packing Policy
I have also done a lot of thinking in regards to our Earth, environment and us, as humans. I've listened to what my sons are saying - their fears for the future for themselves, their livelihoods and their world. We've had bushfires, floods, a pandemic, terrorism, climate change - that generations is living in a world of fear and uncertainty. I need to show them we can all change, whether it's privately or in business, and that I care about our world and its future.
I have been making changes to our packaging, as you may have noticed. Our stock-standard packaging is a brown paper bag, a business card, a thank you note, a raffia tie and a plastic bag - all inserted into an Australia Post satchel or larger plastic satchel. Can I do better? Yes, I can.
The paper bag will stay - it's not bleached and can be recycled or cut down and used again. The business card will stay, however I will be re-evaluating the printer location, printing process and the stock for our next printing run. The thank you card will stay as I source these secondhand. The sticky tape has/is changing to paper based tape - I have been using washi tape for most of the areas requiring tape, however in the areas still requiring that extra stick, I have resorted to normal tape. I'll try and source a stronger paper based tape to change this. I have been using the raffia for the larger parcels but, once finished, I'll no longer be using this to 'pretty up' your parcel. Minimal packaging is best, I think.
The two areas I need to continue researching are the plastic bags and the Australia Post satchels.
At the end of the day, fabric can get wet and damage can happen in transit. Hence why I pack the fabrics in a plastic bag - for extra security against dirt, water and the like. The plastic bags are re-usable, however they are not recyclable. They break down eventually, but not fast enough for our Earth and for me. So I am now on the hunt for a fully recyclable plastic bag range.
The Australia Post satchels I use are LDPE - low density polyethylene. These satchels take up to 24 months to biodegrade. This can also be recycled at REDCycle bins at your local supermarket and can be turned inside out, cut to size and re-used for another parcel/bin lining etc. I have been told Australia Post are looking into fully recyclable/biodegradable satchels in the near future, whether paper or plant based. Unfortunately the ones I have tested that are currently sold on the market are far too flimsy, in my opinion - I need satchels that can withstand any duress after it leaves me and before it reaches you. I'll continue to research better satchel options as they come available.
There are many changes afoot for the business as we emerge from the horror of the previous two years and I'll announce them - or update you - in due course.
We'll remain open over the Festive Season. However, please note there are still Australia Post delivery days. The last postage day for 2021 will be WEDNESDAY 8 DECEMBER - this date will give your domestic parcels the best chance of arriving in time for Christmas. Any orders received after that date will be posted on TUESDAY 4 JANUARY 2022.
I hope you all have a Christmas with laughter, hugs and a whisky nip or two (or another beverage you treat yourself to). I will raise my nip to a better 2022, I can tell you!